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Embroidered gifts-cards and miniatures

Needless to say, it’s very pleasant to get a card with warm greetings and wishes on any special occasion. What’s more pleasant, touching and thoughtful, however, is when this card is made especially for you and by someone who really wanted to make the gift special.

To make embroidered cards or miniatures is quite easy if you are familiar with cross stitching, or at least know the basics of it. Just be patient and look forward to seeing your close friend or relative impressed with the work you’ve done for him/her.

What you need to start your work is a small piece of canvas of the color you prefer, a needle and several balls of floss in a variety of colors. You can come up with your own design or look up in the Internet. Then, you can embroider the motif and create the card.

In case you don’t have enough time to create your own embroidered card, I suggest that you purchase a card you like in the store and then just highlight some details with threads or bids.

An embroidered framed miniature can also be a wonderful present. In the stores you can easily find a wide variety of frames in different colors and shapes. Choose the one you like, and since miniatures are normally 5cm X10 cm, they are in fact just a different type of card, but framed.

In China, such gifts have been in fashion for many years, and people receiving such gifts value the time and special attention more that the gifts just bought in the shop with no individuality. And if the purchased card will eventually end up in the garbage bin, the one made with your own hands and carrying special meaning will stay with the person much longer, always reminding him/her the occasion and love embedded in the small art form.

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