Are you joining Secret Stitch Along 2024/2?


Vervaco-I Stitch-label


As a long existing brand Vervaco is convinced that it is necessary to emphasise the quality they deliver. Therefore starting from 2015 year the majority of the kits will contain the Vervaco-I Stitch-label. This label stands for Vervaco quality and is an absolute advantage for their needlework kits.



Which products will carry the Vervaco –label?

  • All cushions (cross stitch, long stitch, latch hook, embroidery cushions, draft stoppers, deco cushions)
  • All rugs and wall-hangings (cross stitch, latch hook)
  • All table cloths, runners and doilies (printed, aida)
  • Prefinished items like towels, potholders, toilet roll paper holders.
  • Counted cross stitch kits with the embroidering hoops
  • Height charts