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RTO cross stitch kits manufactory is a very well organized enterprise where all the workers are high-skilled specialists and work as a real team. Each process of the kits production is running smoothly due to understanding and interchangeability between the workers. This professional team works hard creating high-quality, artistic cross stitch designs and packaging of the kits. The main features of each RTO kit are attractive design and accessible counted cross stitch chart.

RTO cross stitch kits are completed manually. The packaging allows to see the threads, Aida fabric and the chart at the backside of the kit. The colorful front sheet shows the image of the stitched design as it should look when finished.

Each kit includes;

  • DMC threads (100% cotton, France) sorted in skeins;
  • special embroidery needle (England);
  • Aida fabric, mesh 14, 16 or 18 white or colour (if the background in the picture is coloured, it means, that onside the kit there is fabric of he shown colour: beige, grey, black, blue and etc.);
  • cross stitch chart (with symbols or colored) with instructions in English and Russian;
  • colour front sheet in English and Russian.

Besides the main components a lot of kits include extra details to finish or decorate the stitched work: Aida fabric with printed background, clock mechanisms with hands, postcards, buttons; beads, rhinestones, ribbons, toys, frames, key chains, filling for toys and more.

For each cross stitch design in the catalogue the type of fabric is specified under the image:

  • Aida 14 = 55 squares in 10 cm
  • Aida 16 = 62 squares in 10 cm
  • Aida 18 = 70 squares in 10 cm

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